Monday, October 6, 2008

Been a While

I mean wow it has been a hot minute since i have been on this joker. There are only like 7 more weeks left in the semester. Wow. I mean that is insane. I feel like i have learned nothing. That's horrible but true. At least i don't feel like i have learned anything academically. I am learning new things about life and people.
Changed my major again. Time number 3. Hopefully this one will stick. Sociology. wow. never pictured myself as a "lets learn about groups of people and their behavior" kind of girl, but i mean what the hey, i'll try it.
I mean Courtney Cline and Andrea Bencivengo. I love them. Like wow i love them. They are my best friends. There aren't two people i would rather spend time with than those two.
Since i have written i have read a book called Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. I loved it. It definitely wasn't an easy read. It was very thought provoking, which was what it was designed to be i think. I learned a lot about truth and faith and that it is ok to question God and not know all the answers. That was comforting. I just started Sex God which is also by Rob Bell. We will see how that goes.
In my small group that i lead we are reading and discussing 1 Peter. I think my girls are enjoying it. I mean i sure am. I love diving into books of the bible and talking about how different verses speak to us in different ways. I am anxious to see what they choose to do next. I know i want them all to read The Shack, but i think maybe we will stay in the Bible for a little while.
India. Man that is in like less than 2 months. I can't believe it. I am so ready. I would leave tomorrow. If it meant i didn't have to study anymore then heck yes i would leave tomorrow. But, i'm not going to run away from studying. No way. I am just really excited and ready to be there.
Pumpkins and Halloween. Man. That is exciting. I love fall. And i LOVE candy corn.

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